how to
✦ to edit the map, first log in
✦ there are two modes: view and draw.
VIEW: explore the map without editing. double click on existing lines to view information about them
DRAW: edit the map. simply click two points on the map and rate the skateability between them
smoothness key (inner line):
✦ green - smooth, freshly paved
✦ yellow - somewhat smooth
✦ orange - crusty but still skateable
✦ red - badly paved, skate at your own risk
safety key (outer line):
✦ green - not too busy / wide shoulder
✦ yellow - moderate traffic / some shoulder
✦ red - busy / minimal shoulder
✦ click on corners of a route if having trouble viewing it
✦ to update a route, draw a new route over it
✦ if you mess up a route, simply click two new points on the map before confirming
✦ if skateable doesn't get your route right, click and drag on the route and lock it to the correct path before confirming